Hole 1
Maroun was born here on December 30, 1955
A peaceful little village in the heart of south Lebanon, where the olive groves are sprinkled with almond trees,
and where the Semaans have always had a home..
Hole 2
He studied here...
At the old secondary National School of Marjayoun…
He graduated and had the highest scores in the official exams nationwide..
The American University of Beirut
Hole 3
His beloved Alma Mater…
Under full merit scholarship at the faculty of mechanical engineering… The year he graduates is 1977…
Hole 4
Maroun’s first job placement and the first stop outside Lebanon…
He worked here for 10 years…
Hole 5
In Tyler outside Houston, Texas…
The year is 1990…
A brainstorming session with Ayman that led to Petrofac…
The global villager is henceforth reborn…
Hole 6
The country base where it all happened and from which the Petrofac of 1991 became a FTSE 100 giant …
Hole 7
The love of his life…
Companion and friend…
United in 1997…
Hole 8
Noor arrives in 1998 and with her Maroun is transformed…
The passion of youth is now a meaningful spark…
Hole 9
Tala comes into his life in 2001…
He is at peace and in love with his girls forever…
The spark is glowing warmer…
Hole 10
Maya is here in 2004...
Maroun’s passion for life is now blazing more fierce…
His girls complete the circle he has always strived for…
M/Y Souraya
Hole 11
His first serious experience at sea on his Yacht…
Named after his mother…
Energy partners
Hole 12
Maroun launches his new clean energy company out of Dubai with a group of investors…
Hole 13
He now launches his private family office dedicated to support foundations worldwide…
Hole 14
His last golf stop...
He was very happy here
Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
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His final thank you for his beloved AUB, his legacy set in rock and stone…
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Noor’s new home following his footsteps into engineering...
The college city where he finally surrendered…
Hole 17
The brave city he loved and which captivated his soul…
Hole 18
Shreek means Partner…
A name he reserved for his circle of closest friends...
and those also called him SHREEK…